Wednesday, 4 September 2019

3 Important Ways To Make Sure You Are Getting The Correct Treatment

For many people with chronic pain, it is frustrating when the condition does not seem to get any better despite consulting a doctor.

When your condition does not seem to be getting better despite treatment, there are 3 questions we should ask:

1) Is My Diagnosis Correct?

Patients sometimes assume or are told that their condition is “age related” simply because of their advancing age. Younger patients sometimes have their conditions labelled as “muscle injury” without a clear basis.

While a good medical history and physical examination can usually allow doctors to reach a reasonably accurate clinical diagnosis, it is sometimes helpful to be more certain with imaging investigations such as an X-ray or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

In Singapore, an X-ray and MRI should come with a report provided by a radiologist (specialist medical doctor).

It is useful to request for the report and compare what the radiologist objectively writes with what your healthcare provider tells you. This is especially useful when you are consulting alternative healthcare providers who may provide explanations that are less precise.

2) Is My Condition Being Treated With Temporary Pain Relief? And Is There A Proper Recovery Plan?
It is useful to appreciate that many treatments can make a person feel better temporarily.
These can help when someone is in acute pain or has a recent injury and needs short term relief.

Massages, painkillers, manual treatments, heat and cold therapy are common examples.

However a series of repetitive temporary treatments is not an actual recovery plan.
It is always good to clarify with your provider what the treatments can realistically achieve and not end up paying for expensive treatment packages that require excessive visits.

3) Have All My Options Been Discussed?

Some healthcare providers like to focus on only treatments they personally offer.
Depending on who you consult, this can limit the discussion to only surgery, exercise and medications.

Fortunately medical technology has made incredible progress in recent years and there are now many good treatment options for most patients.

Nutritional supplements, non-invasive shockwave therapy and radiofrequency are just some of the many new options now available to patients in Singapore.