Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Bestowed from Nature Best for Body Pain

Science has proven that some food ingredients can help relieve joint aches and stiffness, no need for medication! These ingredients have already been helping people worldwide to live happy, pain-free lives.

These are following-
1-Ginger - Rich history in traditional oriental medicine as a potent cure.
2-Turmeric - Recognized by the latest published research to be a powerful antioxidant.
3-Frankincense - Used since ancient times, a high grade edible aromatic extract from the bark of the Boswellia tree.
4-Cat’s claw - A plant popularly used in the U.S. and Europe for improving the symptoms of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome

We are dedicated to bringing scientifically proven solutions through our R&D and careful selection process. We formulated that solution, Regenerix Gold. Regenerix Gold is enriched with these 4 pain-alleviating herbs known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Watch the Video to know why an Ex-Volleyball player emphasize to choose Regenerix Gold™ 

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