Tuesday, 31 October 2017

FREE Ticket For Tmr's Shoulder Pain Workshop

5 FREE places left for our Shoulder Pain Workshop.

If you or your loved ones are suffering from knee pain, muscle stiffness, knee degeneration or "wear and tear", come join us to learn practical solutions.

Workshop Date: 1st Nov 2017 (Wed)
Time: 12pm - 1pm
Location: 350 Orchard Road, Shaw House, #10-00, Singapore 238 868

Workshop Highlights:

  • Discussing The Common Causes Of Shoulder Pain
  • Demonstration Of Effective Self Treatments
  • Ways To Stop Shoulder Pain From Affecting Our Concentration, Mood, Work Performance And Social Life
  • Understanding Why The Usual Treatments Do Not Seem To Work
  • Common Mistakes That Prevent Your Recovery
  • Is Exercise Good Or Bad?
  • Preventing The Need For Surgery
  • How Does What We Eat Help?
  • New Non-Invasive Solutions For Shoulder Pain
  • Light Refreshments

Booking Your FREE Ticket:

Simply call, SMS or Whatsapp  +65 93376918 to Reserve a place.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Neck Pain: Practical Recovery Workshops

If you or your loved ones are suffering from neck pain or muscle stiffness, a cervical slipped disc, or spine "wear and tear", come join one of our sessions to learn practical solutions.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Discussing The Common Causes Of Neck Pain
  • Demonstration Of Effective Self Treatments
  • Ways To Stop Back Pain From Affecting Our Concentration, Mood, Work Performance And Social Life
  • Understanding Why The Usual Treatments Do Not Seem To Work
  • Common Mistakes That Prevent Your Recovery
  • Is Exercise Good, Bad Or Impractical?
  • Preventing The Need For Spine Surgery
  • How Does What We Eat Help?
  • New Non-Invasive Solutions For Neck Pain
  • Using Medisave And Insurance To Pay For Treatments
  • Light Refreshments And Neck Pain Goodie Bag

Early Bird Ticket: Free
Standard Workshop Ticket: $5

Simply call, SMS or Whatsapp  +65 9337 6918 to Reserve a Seat
or Use the links below:

Back Pain: click => Here
Knee Arthritis: click => Here
Neck Pain: click => Here
Heel Pain: click => Here

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Knee Arthritis: Practical Recovery Workshops

If you or your loved ones are suffering from knee aches, pain or stiffness, come join us for a practical session on effective self treatments to walk pain-free again.

Workshop Highlights:

  • What Causes Knee Arthritis
  • How To Find Out Whether You Have Knee Arthritis
  • Demonstration of Knee Pain Self Treatments
  • Ways To Prevent Knee Arthritis From Getting Worse
  • How To Avoid Knee Replacement Surgery
  • Understanding Why Many People Are Still Wasting Time and Money on Glucosamine Supplements
  • Using New Nanotechnology Solutions For Knee Pain
  • Effective Non-Invasive Medical Treatments For Knee Pain
  • Using Medisave And Insurance To Pay For Treatments
  • Light Refreshments and Knee Pain Goodie Bag

Early Bird Ticket: Free
Standard Workshop Ticket: $5

Simply call, SMS or Whatsapp  +65 9337 6918 to Reserve a Seat
or Use the links below:

Knee Arthritis: click => Here
Back Pain: click => Here
Neck Pain: click => Here
Heel Pain: click => Here

Monday, 14 August 2017

Non-Surgical Treatments for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain and joint pains can be one of the most debilitating things that can happen to an individual. You might feel desperate for relief, but your doctor insists on trying non-surgical approaches to treat your pain. Will it work? Can you do it? Is it worth it? There are many different treatment options that can help you get your life back. Read more.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

TECAR THERAPY is more Powerful and Effective Over Traditional Pain Relief Methods

TECAR Therapy is a proven system that has been used by leading professional sports teams, hospitals and clinics across Europe for accelerated healing and very quick pain relief.

The technology is supported by multiple medical studies, and used by football club Barcelona, the French Tennis Federation, as well as multiple national teams in the 2012 London Olympics.

TECAR Therapy Is Particularly Effective For Neck, Back, Knee & Shoulder Pain.The Pain Relief Practice is proud to be the pioneering physiotherapy clinic offering this new solution in Singapore.

To find out how TECAR Therapy can help you regain an active, pain-free life,
Simply Call or WhatsApp: +65 93376918

Monday, 26 June 2017

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis literally means joint inflammation. The Greek word “arthro’ meaning joint and “itis” meaning inflammation have led to this word arthritis being coined.

Some symptoms that may suggest that you have arthritis are progressive stiffness and joint pain on weight bearing with gradual onset. Arthritis can differ in terms of severity from person to person depending on several factors such as lifestyle, weight and genetics, with the biggest one being age. It can affect multiple joints such as the wrists, fingers, knees and hips.

If you are suffering from Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis and looking a right cure, you can get it here

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

What is TECAR Therapy?

 TECAR Therapy is a proven system that has been used by leading professional sports teams, hospitals and clinics across Europe for accelerated healing and very quick pain relief.

The technology is supported by multiple medical studies, and used by football club Barcelona, the French Tennis Federation, as well as multiple national teams in the 2012 London Olympics.    


TECAR Therapy Is Particularly Effective For Neck, Back, Knee & Shoulder Pain.The Pain Relief Practice is proud to be the pioneering physiotherapy clinic offering this new solution in Singapore.

To find out how TECAR Therapy can help you regain an active, pain-free life,
Simply Call or WhatsApp: +65 93376918

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Studies show that for over 100 years, therapeutic effects have enabled tissue reconstruction as well as pain reduction. The founder of this current is Jacques Arsène d’Arsonval, a famous doctor, but also a French physicist and inventor. In 1890, Arsonval discovered the benefits of the permeability of plasma membrane by increasing frequency to more than 100 KHz. In the 1920s, with other researchers and doctors, he developed the first capacitive and resistive electrodes. A work by William Beaumont in 1939 dealt extensively with these modes of applications CAPACITIVE (CET) and RESISTIVE (RET). Read full history

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

What is cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy or ice therapy is the application of cold to the body tissues after injury. This practice is as old as medicine itself. Nowadays, local cold application may be applied by the use of various forms of ice or frozen gel packs, or by evaporation of volatile fluids from the skin. Often skin temperature is reduced to 10 C°.  Read full answer

Monday, 24 April 2017

What is osteoarthritis?

It is well known that erosion during Osteoarthritis can’t be reversed easily and satisfactorily. Normally this situation is treated as incurable. Doctors, usually suggest to take measures to avoid further worsening of the condition and try to accept the situation. In case of unbearable pain, painkillers are the first advice to patients. These, painkillers or lotions need to be applied over and around the joints.

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Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Introducing nature's Pain killer Carathron

Basically, Cararthron® is a herbal formulation which can help short to mid-term relief of pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis.

Each capsule contains a proprietary patented blend of
1. Scutellaria Baicalensis root extract equiv to dry root
2. Acacia Catechu herb extract dry concentrate equivalent to dry heartwood

Key benefits
1. The herbs in Cararthron® have both been used traditionally in oriental and ayurvedic medicine for their anti-inflammatory properties.
2. Cararthron® helps provide relief of pain and stiffness.
3. Cararthron® has been tested and regular intake over 4-12 weeks results in an improvement of mobility and reduction in stiffness.
4. Cararthron® is registered with the Australian TGA for both Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

If you are suffering from Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis and looking a right cure, you can get it here.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Shock wave therapy Treatment Possibilities and Opportunities

Shock wave Therapy is used to treat a growing number of tendon, joint and muscle conditions.
Shockwave is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots and myoskeletal tissues with subacute, subchronic and chronic conditions. The energy promotes regeneration and reparative processes of the bones, tendons and other soft tissues.

Basically doctor will locate the area of pain through palpation. This area will then be marked and some ultrasound gel applied. The shock wave impulses are delivered using a hand-piece. It takes about five minutes to deliver a single treatment. This is generally said to be uncomfortable (rather than painful) and is well tolerated by the vast majority of patients. This process is repeated a total of three times — with a week between treatments. Some patients note an immediate improvement in their pain, however the best results occur 12 weeks after the initial treatment.

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Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Why Is It So Hard To Treat Neck, Back and Knee Pain?

Pain is a very common symptom when there is injury or disease in the body.
At some point in life, almost every person suffers from neck, back, knee or other joint pain.

While a majority of such problems disappear after a few days due to the human body's natural ability to heal itself, a small unfortunate group of patients do not get better.
They not only continue to feel pain, stiffness, and weakness, but often get worse with time, despite seeing different doctors, traditional physicians, and trying alternative treatments.

Using a thorough medical history and clinical examination, aided by selective X-rays, MRIs or blood investigations, we break down a patient's condition to a combination of root causes such as::

  1. Focused Joint Injury
  2. Persistent Inflammation
  3. Fibrotic Tissue
  4. Neuropathic (Nerve related) Pain
  5. Central Sensitization (brain related pain)
  6. Tissue Degeneration / Age related "wear and tear"
  7. Muscular Imbalance

To find out why you are still living in pain,
Simply hit the "Reply" button and tell us about your condition.

Alternatively, you can also give us a call or send us an SMS or WhatsApp message at: +65 90689605

Monday, 13 February 2017

3 Key Targets of Treatment of Difficult Pain

The Pain Relief Clinic uses a comprehensive biomedical approach to help patients with their conditions.
We take into account each patient's specific underlying medical condition and select the most appropriate combination of available medical technologies.

1) Healing Damaged Tissue
As pain is often the result of soft tissue damage, it is often necessary to boost the body's ability to heal for long term results. Possible ways to achieve this include:
  • Collagen Hydrolysate is produced through the enzymatic hydrolysis of collagenous tissue and contains amino acids such as glycine and proline. When taken as an oral supplement, collagen hydrolysate has been shown to be absorbed, accumulate in joint cartilage, and stimulates the activity of chondrocytes. [Evidence]
  • Shockwave Therapy is an internationally established method of treating pain and inflammation through stimulating tissue repair. Employing high energy acoustic waves, shockwave induces new blood vessel growth and tissue regeneration, thereby treating many pain conditions.[Evidence]
2) Reducing Inflammation
Inflammatory damage is one of the main mechanisms of pain and reducing inflammation is a good way to help patients quickly reduce pain and discomfort. Possible ways to achieve this include:
  • Nutritional Supplementation with herbal anti-oxidants have been shown to improve joint health naturally and safely. [Evidence]
  • Radiofrequency is an externally applied, non-invasive treatment. It uses patented long wave radio frequencies to create intense tissue stimulation. [Evidence]
  • Nanotechnology Gels are made up of millions of phospholipids, which travel through the skin and tissue upon application, the gel then coats the joint with a layer of protective lubricant, reducing frictional damage. [Evidence]
3) Relieving Mechanical and Nerve Pressure

Ongoing physical injury and mechanical pressure on the nerves is a very significant cause of persistent pain, numbness and weakness. Possible treatment options include:
  • Spinal Decompression Therapy is an FDA cleared, non-surgical treatment that has an amazingly high success rate for neck and back pain. It is designed to unload the spinal disc to provide very effective relief of pain and numbness in the back, neck, legs, and arms. [Evidence]
  • Joint Mobilization involves careful use of skilled graded forces to move a joint in a desired direction. This form of physical therapy is usually used to improve joint motion and normalize function by improving joint nutrient supply. It also help to control pain and relieve muscle tension. [Evidence]

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Stem Cell Lecture - "Say Goodbye to Joint Pain"


Come join us this Thursday morning at 10:00am for at the Clarion Inn in Modesto for a presentation about Stem Cell Therapy and its amazing ability to help with osteoarthritis of the knee and shoulder.

We will be serving coffee and breakfast foods.

Please call today to reserve your seat at (209) 838-3434. We look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Why Do I Have Back Ache, Pain and Stiffness?

Majority of peoples who suffer  from Back pain, aches or stiffness due to mechanical causes apart from only being from infection, fracture or tumors. these include multiple factors like posture posture, degenerative thoraco-lumbar spondylosis, slipped discs or even muscular trigger  in rare cases. but these are not that dangerous although restricts normal motion or affect social interaction eventually result in poor mood.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Doing This Eliminates Knee Pain And Builds Stronger Bones

When it comes to pain in your spine, the lower back gets all the attention. But the top of your spine that is your neck is equally vulnerable to pain. It's especially important to be aware of this as we spend more time with our heads bent low over computers and cellphones. "For every 10 degrees forward the head is from a neutral position, the weight of the head on the neck increases about 10 pounds. Read more

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

What Are the Causes of & Remedies for Stiff Back Muscles?

Have you felt tingling or numbness in your hands or arms? Has this feeling persisted for several months or gotten worse with time? If so, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). CTS can happen when a nerve in your wrist is pinched. In many instances, this is the result of a typical everyday activity. This includes the frequent use of vibrating hand tools, playing a musical instrument, or manual labor. There’s some debate over whether typing or computer work can cause CTS. Read More

Monday, 2 January 2017

What Are the Causes of & Remedies for Stiff Back Muscles?

Stiffness felt throughout your back muscles comes from increased tension in your muscle tissue. The stiffness and back pain may occur in your upper back -- the thoracic and cervical regions -- or your lower back -- the lumbar region. Causes of increased muscle tension include trauma, overuse and poor posture. There are multiple approaches for relief, including heat and ice application, medication, massage and exercise.
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